Why Hire Ivan Cooper?

Helping You and Your Clients from Complaint to AppealSeveral years ago, the website lawyerist.com identified six reasons to use a freelance attorney to assist with your brief writing:
- Better service to your clients;
- More money in your pockets;
- Less stress;
- More flexibility in your schedule;
- Reduced risk of a malpractice claim; and
- Career satisfaction.
The American Bar Association, in Formal Ethics Opinion 08-451, echoes these same sentiments, stating “Outsourcing affords lawyers the ability to reduce their costs and often the cost to the client… In addition, the availability of lawyers… to perform discrete tasks may… allow for the provision of labor-intensive legal services by lawyers who do not otherwise maintain the needed human resources on an ongoing basis.”
Ivan Cooper can help you in all these respects.
With over 25 years of experience, Ivan Cooper can help you help your clients at every stage of the litigation – from Complaint to Appeal. As a freelance attorney, Ivan can, at a reasonable cost, help you write briefs or pleadings that you do not have time to write, freeing you up to perform the other tasks that need your attention. All the while, you maintain control over the case. In short, a freelance attorney can often save you time and save, or even make, you money.
Here are just some of the things Ivan can help you with:
- Research
- Motions to Dismiss
- Summary Judgments
- Motions in Limine
- Daubert Motions
- Post-Judgment Motions and Briefing
- Appellate Briefing
Ivan was included in the 2021 through 2024 Editions of The Best Lawyers in America© for Appellate Law.
If you need assistance, call Ivan Cooper.
Every case is different. So how you and Ivan Cooper Law will work together depends on what you want and what the case calls for.
In most cases, Ivan works for the attorney, not the client directly, meaning that Ivan Cooper Law will bill you directly for the services. If you will be billing the client for the time, this can be a great benefit for you. Under ABA Guideline 00-420 you may bill the client in excess of what Ivan Cooper Law bills you, so long as the total billed to the client is a “reasonable” fee. So, not only can using Ivan Cooper Law save you time, it can also make you money. If the fee charged by Ivan Cooper Law is treated as an expense, then you must bill the client only for the amount Ivan Cooper Law bills you.
In either scenario, the case is still yours. You maintain final say, you have all the client contact, and you handle all the filings. Ivan Cooper Law’s only job is to help you help your clients.
Ivan Cooper Law is open to flexible billing arrangements and will work hourly or on a flat fee basis, depending on your situation and your needs. The arrangement and amount will vary based on the level of complexity of the assignment.
Contact Ivan Cooper to discuss how he can help you.